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How technology impacts the world we live in

Technology has transformed and improved our lives tremendously. It’s difficult to imagine life without technology. Technology can be a blessing disguise. It allows us to achieve medical advancements, to communicate with people around the world, and even locate jobs. While we enjoy the many benefits that technology offers but there are downsides too. Data theft and identity theft breach can occur at any point and at any time from your phone or computer, even when you’re connected to public WiFi. It’s the reason there are few things more crucial than keeping your private information safe by taking steps to secure your online identity.

Technology is a great tool to enhance our lives in general.

1. It is now possible to find the forecast for weather before you leave home.

2. It is possible to stay in touch with your loved ones and family no matter where they are in the world.

3. With just a few clicks, you can book your flight or hotel room in just a few steps.

4. You can stream your favorite movies and TV shows anytime you like.

5. You can shop for groceries shopping without having to leave the house.

6. You can now pay your gas, groceries and other expenses without money or check.

7. You will receive real-time updates on the traffic conditions and can plan your route accordingly.

8. You can conduct research on any subject you’re interested in online and discover reliable sources of information.

9. Shopping online is a wonderful option to sell or purchase items without leaving your home.

10. You can work remotely, and remain in your home.

Technology has certainly made our lives easier in numerous ways! The way we work has drastically changed because of technology.

Here are six steps to ensure your safety online:

1. Make sure you use strong passwords and update them regularly

This is among the most important and basic methods you can employ online to safeguard yourself. A secure password must be at least eight characters long and contain a mixture of letters, numbers as well as special characters. It is recommended not to utilize the same password on multiple accounts. It is also recommended to change your passwords at least once every three months.

2. Make sure your antivirus software is up-to-date by installing it

It is imperative to have antivirus software to protect your computer from malware and other threats on the internet. Make sure your antivirus software is up-to-date to ensure that you are secure against the latest threats.

3. Make use of a firewall

A firewall is another important tool for protecting your computer from cyber-attacks. It must always be turned on and maintained.

4. Don’t share your personal information on the internet without care

Be cautious about what you put online, especially personal information like your email address or telephone number. Don’t share any information you don’t want to share with others or even share with strangers.

5. Don’t use WiFi on public WiFi networks

Hackers may utilize the public WiFi networks to get access to your personal information. If possible, avoid using these networks altogether and instead use the secure VPN instead.

6. Keep up-to-date with the most recent security threats

It is essential to stay current on the latest security developments and how they can impact you. Keep an eye on websites that provide security news and updates, or consider signing up for an account that sends regular email alerts.

Technology has made our lives more convenient and enjoyable. New technologies have enabled us to complete tasks more quickly than we ever have before. We wish you to make the most of the improvements in technology by using them for your own advantage and also!

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